DSNY Monthly Tonnage by District --- Built in 2020


Error message

  • Deprecated function: Automatic conversion of false to array is deprecated in SocrataSelectQuery->execute() (line 178 of /homepages/8/d594118031/htdocs/hero/sites/all/modules/socrata/SocrataSelectQuery.inc).
  • Deprecated function: Automatic conversion of false to array is deprecated in SocrataSelectQuery->execute() (line 178 of /homepages/8/d594118031/htdocs/hero/sites/all/modules/socrata/SocrataSelectQuery.inc).
MONTH: 2024 / 03
MONTH BOROUGH Community District Leaves (tons) Metal|Glass|Plastic|Cartons (tons) Paper (tons) Landfill | Incinerator (tons) Residential Organics (tons) School Organics (tons) Xmas Trees (tons)
2024 / 03 Brooklyn 04 0 334.139999999999986 246.780000000000001 3,019.269999999999982 42.609999999999999 0 0
2024 / 03 Brooklyn 12 0 349.889999999999986 689.75 7,096.890000000000327 30.530000000000001 69.409999999999997 0
2024 / 03 Brooklyn 06 0 348.620000000000005 476.439999999999998 2,039.029999999999973 88.340000000000003 67.079999999999998 0
2024 / 03 Brooklyn 14 0 395.639999999999986 425.710000000000036 4,572.390000000000327 47.560000000000002 109.070000000000007 0
2024 / 03 Brooklyn 03 0 303.650000000000034 396.879999999999995 4,061.740000000000236 72.359999999999999 88.719999999999999 0
2024 / 03 Brooklyn 17 0 387.439999999999998 281.680000000000007 3,985.809999999999945 51.810000000000002 0 0
2024 / 03 Brooklyn 02 0 382.269999999999982 485.53000000000003 2,674.720000000000255 78.129999999999995 44.390000000000001 0
2024 / 03 Brooklyn 09 0 241.689999999999998 274.759999999999991 2,789.090000000000146 30.129999999999999 0 0
2024 / 03 Brooklyn 11 0 484.360000000000014 502.170000000000016 4,947.480000000000473 19.98 178.02000000000001 0
2024 / 03 Brooklyn 18 0 576.740000000000009 479.29000000000002 4,900.819999999999709 80.730000000000004 23.57 0
2024 / 03 Brooklyn 07 0 333.439999999999998 352.090000000000032 2,972.700000000000273 56.730000000000004 0 0
2024 / 03 Brooklyn 01 0 401.560000000000002 668.490000000000009 5,860.3100000000004 35.539999999999999 52.359999999999999 0
2024 / 03 Brooklyn 16 0 155.319999999999993 91.070000000000007 2,116.230000000000018 13 37.520000000000003 0
2024 / 03 Brooklyn 13 0 216.680000000000007 159.909999999999997 1,949.940000000000055 6.91 0 0
2024 / 03 Brooklyn 15 0 478.259999999999991 492.850000000000023 4,379.619999999999891 29.240000000000002 0 0