DSNY Monthly Tonnage by District --- Built in 2020


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  • Deprecated function: Automatic conversion of false to array is deprecated in SocrataSelectQuery->execute() (line 178 of /homepages/8/d594118031/htdocs/hero/sites/all/modules/socrata/SocrataSelectQuery.inc).
  • Deprecated function: Automatic conversion of false to array is deprecated in SocrataSelectQuery->execute() (line 178 of /homepages/8/d594118031/htdocs/hero/sites/all/modules/socrata/SocrataSelectQuery.inc).
MONTH: 2024 / 05
MONTH BOROUGH Community District Leaves (tons) Metal|Glass|Plastic|Cartons (tons) Paper (tons) Landfill | Incinerator (tons) Residential Organics (tons) School Organics (tons) Xmas Trees (tons)
2024 / 05 Brooklyn 14 0 392.930000000000007 438.29000000000002 5,039.609999999999673 54.700000000000003 124.159999999999997 0
2024 / 05 Brooklyn 06 0 377.490000000000009 495.180000000000007 2,268.610000000000127 114.490000000000009 89.040000000000006 0
2024 / 05 Brooklyn 01 0 447.75 709.350000000000023 6,000.690000000000509 45.350000000000001 51.270000000000003 0
2024 / 05 Brooklyn 07 0 359.480000000000018 381 3,364.070000000000164 66.989999999999995 0 0
2024 / 05 Brooklyn 09 0 257.879999999999995 280.769999999999982 3,018.429999999999836 41.170000000000002 0 0
2024 / 05 Brooklyn 05 0 456.329999999999984 241.039999999999992 5,147.920000000000073 27.310000000000002 162.930000000000007 0
2024 / 05 Brooklyn 11 0 526.039999999999964 534.509999999999991 5,547.880000000000109 24.379999999999999 188.25 0
2024 / 05 Brooklyn 13 0 231.610000000000014 180.240000000000009 2,208.900000000000091 11.58 0 0
2024 / 05 Brooklyn 15 0 510.819999999999993 510.879999999999995 4,906.270000000000437 49.100000000000001 0 0
2024 / 05 Brooklyn 18 0 645.840000000000032 526.580000000000041 6,001.279999999999745 92.950000000000003 198.370000000000005 0
2024 / 05 Brooklyn 10 0 435.550000000000011 411.569999999999993 3,689.829999999999927 41.740000000000002 0 0
2024 / 05 Brooklyn 17 0 420.310000000000002 300.560000000000002 4,651.440000000000509 63.170000000000002 0 0
2024 / 05 Brooklyn 03 0 325.079999999999984 425.960000000000036 4,619.789999999999964 82.780000000000001 76.140000000000001 0
2024 / 05 Brooklyn 02 0 401.090000000000032 516.060000000000059 2,985 95.530000000000001 45 0
2024 / 05 Brooklyn 12 0 362.329999999999984 704.129999999999995 7,354.829999999999927 31.050000000000001 118.299999999999997 0